I've noticed in the past 10 years that I have not only been more open to learning but I learn better. It's as if my brain kicked in around age 21 and it wasn't half bad! I'm so amazed now at all the things I take with me at the end of each year that I didn't have the year before. And most of all, I understand God more and I hear him more clearly. There are many things I like about myself now that I disliked before. There are some very nice parts of me. There are also some things that I pray will be better in the years to come. I am a work in progress.
I've learned that if one feeds the needs of everyone else all the time, their own will be malnourished. Now putting this lesson into action is something entirely different.
I've learned that sometimes one must lovingly walk away from a relationship that is toxic. Even if the person is family.
I've learned that a person cannot be forced to do something, even if it's best for them. And that people often ask for advice that they seldom take.
I've learned that our parents are not just human but flawed and because of that, they are sometimes wrong. And often, children are wiser than their parents.
I've learned that everyone has an opinion and they often contradict each other. That's why it's so important to know oneself and make choices based on God's plans. He knows the future so his opinion is the best bet!
I've learned that a little person can offer more love than a million big people because big people over complicate the meaning of a hug.
Mostly, I've learned that when we have a family, a spouse and a child(ren), they should be the top priority, under God. It is so important though, for each individual to pursue dreams and a life of their own because one day, every baby will grow up and their family will have to come first. It is so very wrong of parents to place all of their hopes and expectations on a life that isn't their own.
Raise up your children with morality and love. Teach them that anger only makes them sick. Live the motto, speak up or let go. This means, be honest with someone you're having trouble with or let the issue go. Grudges and unresolved issues are like untreated cancer. They grow and spread until every healthy part of you is diseased.
Don't let someone walk all over someone you care about. And humble in no way spells makes the word, DOORMAT. Don't interrupt, you might miss something important. Listen to old people's stories. They are awesome and you will be sad if you miss the opportunity.
There's so much more but I'll stop for now. People are complex, there are many layers to them so don't get stuck on one you don't particularly like. Most of the time, it's what's underneath the layers that is the most beautiful and juicy!
How funny that we both came to opposite conclusions of how we should spend our energies but both work for us. I hope you use this new year to snuggle up to your family(You, Danny and Lucy). Aren't we glad we married such wonderful people and have such great kids?:)
Yes, I am. And I do totally agree with everything you said. Danny and I often remark that if Barbara would just get out and give of herself to those that truly need, maybe she'd get over herself!
I have just concluded that not everyone is deserving of our time and it should never be at the expense of a spouse and child. I know we agree on that as well. I will make sure to double the snuggle in 2008!
Quite a bit of good insight.
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