Friday, January 30, 2009

Adoption Option

Kat called me about an hour ago. She has been talking for a year or so, now, about finding her birth mother. It was so easy to find mine because I had her name in a baby book she sent with me, along with the names of all of my family members. How many Abbra's could there be out there? It was the most simple search ever. I wondered though, how we would help Kat with hers. I'd always heard that adoption records are sealed and difficult to pull information out of. Besides, the information we had to go off of was so little. We had no name and while we knew what state she came from, we had no city. Kat wasn't even born in that state. Her bio-mom lived out her pregnancy in an unwed mother's home, Highlands, in Kansas City, Missouri. A hospital near the home is where Kat was born. This seemed to be a difficult venture but I know now that that's not why her interest peeked over the past year. Instead, it was God preparing her heart.

Kat's voice had excitement in it as she told me that she and our parents had received letters from her bio-mom, Darla. She had contacted Highlands, now in Arizona, and a social worker took up the task. I guess it's legal now because Kat is an adult. Kat put in a call to Georgia (the social worker) this afternoon and left a message. I told Kat that if she was ready, she should at least let Darla know she was interested. I'm sure the poor woman is anxious with anticipation. Being the one to seek out my bio-mom, I remember that even though she'd written me a letter saying she hoped to meet me someday, I feared rejection and disinterest. I hope Darla can rest assured this weekend that she will soon have a friendship with the baby she gave up 20 years ago.

My prayers for Darla and Kat? I pray God ordains their relationship. I pray Darla is a strong and wonderful Christian woman, wise beyond her years. I pray she can be a wonderful influence in Kat's life. I pray love will live in their relationship. I pray so many wonderful things to come from this. I pray that it is all that my relationship with Abbra is not and was never meant to be.

One prayer request for Kat. She's supposed to start beauty school next week and there's something wrong with her right hand. She REALLY needs to get going with this career and her life. Her hand almost looks like it was crushed. I know she keeps saying that it's been bothering her a bit here and there since elementary school but she never consistently complained about it. It also never looked like anything was wrong with it. Now, it looks like a broken wing. So, I pray that she will find the right doctor and that it will be something small and easy to fix. And that she will still be able to start her schooling on time.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Prayer Request

Hi ladies,
We have a homeschool group friend whose husband is currently in the ICU. I don't know any details about his condition. They have a daughter around Lucy's age (8). I just cannot even imagine how scared the family must be. I do know that, that little girl (and of course Kim as well) still needs her dad. Please keep Mr. Railey in your daily prayers that he will be home with his family soon.

Sometime today, give your hubby and kids a BIG hug! It's so easy to forget to be as thankful as we should and take the time for the little moments--just to look at each other and love one another. We shouldn't wait until there's threat of loss to stop and love. We should never have regrets in the way we loved those most precious to us.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Ok Liz, here I go:)

USING ONLY ONE WORD Not as easy as you might think! Now you try, change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It's really hard to only use one word answers!

Where is your cell phone? Missing
Your significant other? Silly
Your hair? Scary
Your mother? Complicated
Your father? Confusing
Your favorite thing? Books
Your dream last night? None
Your favorite drink? Tea
Your dream/goal? Peace
What room are you in? Bedroom
Your hobby? Writing
Your fear? Lots
Where do you want to be in 6 Yrs? Published
Where were you last night? Home
Something that you aren't? Confident
Muffins? Blueberry
Wish list item? Contentment
Last thing you did? Read
What are you wearing? Pjs
TV? Binge
Your pets? Abundance
Friends? Faithful
Your life? Brighter
Your mood? Optimistic
Missing someone? Eternity
Drinking? Coffee
Smoking? Wabbit
Your car? Messy
Something you're not wearing? Hat
Your favorite store? Anthropologie
Your favorite colors? Opal
When is the last time you cried? Reading
Where do you go to over and over? Store
Five people who email me regularly? None
My favorite place to eat? Home
Favorite place I'd like to be at right now? Bookstore

Monday, January 19, 2009

Fam update...been a while...I know

Ok. I've had a really tough couple weeks (nothing like Liz's last few days) fighting off depression and loneliness and blah blah blah. But that's why I haven't posted anything here. There were a few happy moments though. Here's what we've been up to.

Last weekend we took Lu and a friend to the Ceramic Cafe and each painted a ceramic "thing" of our choice. I will blog about my snail experience later when I get a pic. Sunday, we went and saw the play "Annie" with my parents...yikes! We sort of made nice-nice at Christmas because they had no one to spend it with. We're on truce-like terms. My radar is tuned to extra cautious and I'm proceeding carefully. In other words, I will only be around them in public situations. They behave. "Annie" was cute. Lucy loved it. I liked the movie script better but this one was particularly quirky in its characters and lines. After we went to Corvette Diner, which is always fun. Lucy requested a song and the DJ liked her name so much he kept talking about her and played the "I Love Lucy" theme song. Lu had a ball.

I'm really trying to make Lu's days count for more and spend quality time and enrich her life on a weekly basis. She's been fighting off a little bit of sadness too and that scares me to death. I hate that she has taken on so much adult concern and she, like me, is empathetic to a fault. I keep racking my brain as to how I could've shielded her better from the situations with the families. Nothing I can do about the past, I know. I just hate to see her hurting.

This past Sunday we ran down to W-Mart and my parents called and invited us to lunch downtown. We ended up having lunch and then went to the Ruben H. Space Theater for their Ocean's Documentary. Of course the theater is always cool (although we sat a little too close and got a little dizzy) but the show isn't the best one for kids. It's a little boring. It still has it's interesting points and the shots of South Africa are beautiful, as are its people, but...the film in its entirety is a little boring.

We might be famous soon:) Well, sorta. We got a call last week from a producer at The 700 Club that they might want to do a story on our business blessings through this economic downfall due to faithfulness in tithing. We have a phone interview tonight. I don't know if they'll do a story but it's cool to be considered. Tithing is a biggy in our family and we like to share its blessings with others, every chance we get. Looks like we might get our chance on a much grander level.

I can pull out a few prayer requests in this blog. It's like a game. There are three. If you can find them, and you keep them in your prayers, YOU WIN! Love you all...smooches:)