Monday, April 28, 2008


Fine Liz, but I can see you're out to get me:) I'll have to think about who to tag and get back to you.

1. Step out your front door and take a picture.2. Step out your back door and take a picture.3. Put them on your blog, along with the rules.4. If there are things in the photos that you particularly like or dislike, you can point them out, or just explain what we are seeing. Maybe changes over the seasons or some junk in your neighbor's yard that drives you nuts.5. Tag as many or few people as you like - preferably at least one though.6. Do it again next month if you like.

Somehow that ugly laundry room looked a little nicer in the surprise snow we had on Valentines Day.
Told you it was ugly. I hate it! The only good thing about the location of our house is that it's around back and away from the main street.

This is the back. It actually was pretty when we moved in. The side hill was covered with Ivy. But, we had to put this fence up for our dogs and they trampled the Ivy. The good thing is, it stays really cool because of the trees so the dogs are happy.

This is the side view from our front door. It's a big and beautiful field. What one wouldn't know is that all the septic is underneath it....special huh?

Those Crazy Homeschoolers!

For all you new homeschooling parents, I feel our family has, in a small way, gone before and hopefully smoothed the path. Of course, some of you came from homeschooling families so perhaps that path wasn't so rocky to begin with, but still. One would think that in this day and age, people wouldn't be so ignorant concerning this topic and yet, amazingly, they are! If one more person "kindly" reminds me how important it is to socialize my daughter, I'm going to SCREAM! Yes, like many children she clams up with those she doesn't know but um...sorry, I'm not going to tell her to go ahead and warm up to those strangers immediately, even if they are family. She has to come around in her own time when she feels safe. That's how children learn to trust their instincts.

No, I am not raising Lu in a commune. And I can't sow to save my life and don't care to learn. I'll leave that to Liz, she makes cute things. The strangest thing I've heard concerning Lu's schooling, and I've heard it often which is why it's so strange, is, "later on when she goes to school." Um, there's not going to be a later until college. I guess people just assume that when she gets to high school, that's it. I did have one friend that asked what will happen when we get to subjects like geometry. "I guess I'll take a class and learn geometry." I answered. I'm sure most of you know that I did not get the chance to really work hard and enjoy the learning aspect of school when I was in it. That's part of the reason, amongst many others, that Danny and I very easily and early on, agreed on homeschooling. I wanted Lu to enjoy the entire educational process and not just that, but succeed beyond her wildest dreams! That's part of the reason I worked my backside off when she was born to finish the work to earn my diploma. How could I teach her the importance of education when I hadn't even finished mine? Now, she'll understand that regardless of the trials life throws our way, we must prevail until we're victorious.

Someone else recently said, "yes, she might love it now but later she may want to do the 8-3 day in a regular school." Maybe, but that doesn't mean she's going to get to make that choice. Honestly, knowing my daughter, I doubt that will ever appeal to her. However, I thought about that after I got off the phone and I mentioned it to Danny. We decided right then that this is not one of the topics that is negotiable. Simply because our reasons, and when Lu is older we will explain them to her, are not one's that will change with time and are well founded and Biblically and educationally backed. Or in basic terms, we believe this is best for her.

Ok, so the upside to homeschooling in the few years that we've been doing it? First, I love teaching and I am good at it! Who knows, I've been tempted to get a degree in teaching and someday might just do that. Two, our family relationship is so close and strong, a foundation I pray makes all the difference in the teen years. Three, my daughter is able to be surrounded with really good and moral friends because I have a say in who she hangs out with more than I would if she attended a "regular" school. This will come in handy especially during the above mentioned teen years. Four, we have time for many extra curricular activities because she's not putting in as long a day. Five, I get to choose what she learns so she will be tutored in Spanish and French and Italian, learn different instruments, how to cook, garden, live healthy, devour literature and so much more! Six, she will most likely graduate around 15 or 16 years old as many in her school do. An impressive fact is that several alumni from our school work in politics. This means, Christian homeschoolers are taking their place in the white house after graduation. Maybe we stand a chance at redemption after all:)

A friend of mine, who is starting her own two girls in homeschool next year, posted on her blog that her eldest daughter, a Kindergartner, is reading at a second grade level. I know she will be even more amazed at where her daughter is after a year of homeschooling. I got to thinking about what level Lu is reading at. I should probably test her yearly to make sure she's being challenged. I found a testing site online. She missed one word (successful) on the eighth grade reading test. The test didn't go higher than eighth. I was astonished. I believe that the biggest difference with teaching at home is just allowing our children to learn to their ability. By that, I mean as slowly or quickly as they need. Ashlynn and the boys and Mira and Annah are going to soar at home as Lu has. If Mira is already loving books this much and reading at such a high level, she'll be reading Chaucer by the end of first grade:) I hope no one thinks I'm coming off as braggy (our principals wife says first born daughters overachieve in school) because I take no credit for Lu. God put her together wonderfully, as He did all our children and I am just in awe everyday as I watch her grown and learn. I am proud of her and proud of the decision we made to teach her.

I hope our positive experiences give you a little extra confidence in your own journey's. Homeschooling is not for everyone and it's certainly not the best thing for every child and parent. Those who are well suited for it, I believe have made a wise choice and non of us can even begin to fathom, for the long run, the amazing blessings we will receive from taking such a large role in our children's education. We're in charge of molding the next generation, a big responsibility. Knowing all of you, I have confidence that they will be an amazing group of people.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Garden Filled with Weeds Cannot Thrive

I find it so funny, and all mom's know this, how life often lives you instead of you living life. I have this wonderful plan in my head. One clean house, one well rounded and educated child, one fed and um....loved:) husband. This plan, of course, is void of neighbors dropping in, work dilemma's that go hours longer than they are supposed to, and most of all, family members that are a bit, is there a nice way to say this? No, so I'll just say it, CRAZY!!

I am happy that I do have the idea in my head of how I want to live my life. That's a start. And perhaps, for our family, it is God's little nudge to consider uprooting and finding an entirely new place to flourish. Ok, I've got it. It's kinda like a garden where there lives two flowers and their seeds produce a little bud. But there are some weeds that keep popping up and threatening the flowers and placing the bud in danger. Perhaps the best thing, since nothing else seems to be working, is to relocate the flowers and the bud to a safer garden. Sure, there is always the threat of weeds in the world, one would expect that. But in one's own garden, shouldn't there be peace in the knowledge that one is safe from weeds? Wow, talk about killing a metaphor! If you read this and have a sudden urge to visit your local nursery, that's ok.

So, we've already run this by a couple Christian friends and a couple non Christian friends. I'd like your opinions as well since I value them. If you recall, Danny and I had a wedding/ party in 2006. We planned on writing vows and adding some other wedding traditions but things got a bit messed up (are we seeing a pattern here?) so it just ended up being a party. Now, having said that, it was the only wedding we got so it was supposed to be somewhat sacred. Well, a couple of weeks before the wedding, I decided to check out Danny's sister's, who we were not too thrilled with at that point because she was doing some questionable things with her life, the latest at the time, breast implants, myspace page. I found her main picture to be one of her and Lucy while the rest were mostly of Jana with her breasts hanging out, a couple with girls touching/ licking them (over the shirt) and comments about how hot her t_ _ts looked. Danny immediately called and told her to remove our daughter's picture. Which she refused.

At the end of the conversation, Danny told her if she didn't remove the picture, not to bother coming to the wedding. She said, "Well I was invited so I'm coming," to which he replied, "you are being uninvited and if you show up, we will have you removed." He tried to discuss what was wrong with Lu's picture being on it again but was met with yelling and cussing. So, the day of the wedding arrives and Danny didn't think she'd show up but I kept telling him I wasn't so sure. She arrived at the very beginning. Now, this is three weeks after we talked to her so she had ample time to remove the picture and make things right but chose not to. I kept Lu in the bathroom with me while Danny told Jana to leave. She threw a fit and his parents started fighting alongside of her, saying if she left they'd go with her. At some point my dad stepped in and said he'd go too until I explained to him why and that in the future, if we're doing something that extreme, we have a darn good reason. He took our side after that. In the end, I was in the bathroom crying (I'd just gotten over the flu) and Danny's mom left with Jana and didn't come back. A week after, we threatened legal action and the picture was finally removed. His parents, even after we explained everything, took her side.

Ok, so jump ahead to Christmas where Danny's brother Chris moves in with yet another girlfriend after three weeks of dating and a short time later knocks her up. We go to dinner with them, after he proposes with a forty five hundred dollar ring on credit, just to hear his mother brag and rant about how proud she is of him for being eligible for so much credit and all about the baby and "oh, Lucy did you hear, you're getting a little cousin." When we mentioned that we'd been looking into adoption, his mother didn't even acknowledge that we'd said anything. There was so much money talk, Danny and I actually felt ill after dinner. However, they hadn't seen our office so we brought them over. "Do the lights actually work?" His mom asked, "Do these computers and phones work?" His brother asked. Danny and I, looking shocked I'm sure, answered yes, how could we run a business if those things didn't work? A short time later, they miscarried and Lucy said, "Maybe God let that happen because they aren't married."

Again, a short while later, Chris' fiance joined Danny's parents on a little trip where the two ladies got drunk together and Shannon shared that they're trying to get pregnant again. Then, a couple weeks ago, Shannon called Danny to tell her that they moved the wedding up to August and would he be in the wedding party. Danny's dad called him the next day all excited and planning the dinner and Sandy and Shannon and Shannon's mom are planning and having fun. And Danny got upset. I guess things hadn't been entirely resolved from our wedding but he was really hurt and he doesn't usually get like that. He called his dad and tried to explain his feelings about how we were treated at our wedding and how Lucy should be protected in her family, and we didn't feel the wedding and the people attending would be the best for her to be around. Fred started trying to make Danny feel guilty by saying he should come without us then for Chris. Danny tried to discuss the problems with the entire situation for three days but Fred continued to say Danny was just angry and he kept standing up for Jana and Chris' actions. Danny told him that if his family couldn't go, he didn't want to be there either.

Fred also told Danny that since we didn't do vows and such at our wedding, it really wasn't as much a wedding as Chris' is going to be. "It's the only wedding we're going to have." Danny reminded him. "Chris is really upset that you're not going to be there, he's almost crying." At that point I got upset and shouted, "I cried at my wedding Fred, why didn't you care then?" I told Danny that Fred and Sandy are wrong to criticize us and stand up for the immoral acts of their other children. But that it's hard enough to admit to being wrong in general let alone to your child. Since it was making Danny feel so bad and nothing was being accomplished I told him that he should step back for a while until he could work through his feelings and disappointment. We're not angry, just hurt and sad that nobody is bothering to protect the youngest member of the family or teach her morality by living it and being aunt's and uncle's that are role models for her.

So, what do you all think? We believe we've done the right thing for our family and especially our daughter. Of course there's much more that has happened than I can write here without giving myself a hand cramp but that's the gist of it. We don't believe, like many, that we should just let bygones be bygones for special occasions at the risk of Lu's safety. Our job first and foremost is to protect our daughter and raise her up in Jesus, if that means we lose some family members, so be it. She should be able to rely on her family for safety and yet they've been the one's to put her in more danger than the outside world. That makes me so sad.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

My adoption/ Earth Day

If you enlarge this one you'll see what I loved about it, the cobwebs.

Flowers & Plants from the Botanical Garden at Balboa Park

Lu & Aurora
Every fairy needs a garden to reside.

Such a vibrant blue....Liz will appreciate it as much as I do:)

Seems like a little bit of Heaven shining down.

Tired of walking:)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Jamie!


Yes, we lit the candles in the car.

My sweet niece Melody aka. Bean

Uncle Danny and baby Bean.

Our little angels:)

Aunt Jamie with Miss Lu.

Pretty Lucy at Viejas.

Lu and Scruffy posing pretty.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

4-16-08 Hoppy Anniversary Danny!

Well, I'm a half hour early but I wanted to post this before morning so.....

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HONEY!!!! It's been a crazy nine years! Fun mixed in with a little madness! I'm looking forward to the years to come. I have high hopes that they will bring just a bit more peace!
Here's an anniversary poem just for you Honey:

No longer do I giggle like a school girl when you touch my hand,
But every time I’m frightened, I still reach for my man.

I may not watch your movies with all the guns and bombs,
But when the bad guy jumps out, I still leap into your arms.

I always save my best laughs for you,
My prettiest smiles, and sweetest kisses too.

I never want another man to dry my tears,
Or calm my fears.

I don’t want another girl to hug you,
No one could ever love you, like I do.

You’re my favorite person to fight,
And the last I bid good-night.

I’m glad to be your wife and friend,
I’m blessed that you’re my husband.

I look forward to each new stage,
Like a wonderful book that brings more excitement with each page.

Perhaps each day won’t bring an abundance of laughter,
But there’s no one I’d rather be with to spend my happily ever after.

Jessica Lennon (c) 2008

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Little Pre-Summer Fun

Our friend "Uncle" Win (from Arizona) spent his birthday with us, an excuse for chocolate cake!

Lu with a fairy...looks like she's doing an endorcement:)

At friend Laura's house, all day, playing in the hose. My daughter is obsessed with water!

Pretty little one

Scruffy with her pet Lucy in the background

The last of the lilacs:( They smell so pretty and stay for such a short time

Mommy & Lu

Daddy and Lu make Popcorn in the "old fashion" maker.

Deep in thought with Scruffy by her side

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The many faces of Miss Lu

Lu and Kenya kitty share a drink, 50's style....yes, it's a little gross:)

Milk between two friends tastes the bestest

Christmas 06' Lu poses pretty

She looks like she has a secret:)

Every girl reserves the right to pout
Scruffy, what are you doing?
Princess Diana look
Good thing she's camera shy huh?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

S'more Pix & a Little Poem

St. Patricks Day has come and gone

It was filled with food and friends to bond

Those we love in funny hats, you know the kind that ties?

But now, at last, Spring has arrived, with rolling hills and butterflies.

It brings the making of fairies too, with daddy

And a bird or two

Then comes the game of hide and seek and little girls in lots of pink

So does the blooming of flowers give Spring its true meaning?

Nope, it's pasty white legs, bruised from EXTREME Spring cleaning!!!!