Monday, December 29, 2008

Snot Fests and Sore Chests...fa la la la la

Wow, I can't believe Christmas is over! It just seems like so much build up, excitement and anticipation. Then, the day comes and the gifts are opened expediently and that's it. On top of it all, I started to get sick on the 24th although, (thank God,) it didn't really hit until the 26th. I don't get sick and when I do, it's not a big deal. I guess I over did it this time (as usual.) A stuffy nose, I can handle. Sore throat? Sure, gargle with salt water and it kills the bacteria, directing the sickness to something other than Strep. But the cough. The annoying, lingering, blasted cough! Now the hubby started this cold and then a million little sniffling and hacking children brought more of it to the Christmas party so I wasn't completely surprised when I, having not taken care of myself and known it, got it. Now, Danny has it back and Lu, who was sick a few weeks back, is a bit sniffly too.

I have to say that even I am looking forward to the first of the year and everything going back to "normal." It's so funny, I can't seem to use the word normal to describe my life without chuckling a bit. Ok, this is an incredibly boring post.

Check out my writing blog. It's very short but has a new writing project teaser.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Liz!

Hey Liz! This is the first time I've really had a moment since my crazy weekend so I'm sorry it's a little late. I ALWAYS think of you on the 20th, even when we weren't in touch. I found the cutest picture of us last week. I'll post it when I get it on disk or can scan it. You were this cute, little mouse with wavy brown hair and big teeth and freckles across your tiny face. I had a bad haircut with way too much bang (thank you Barbara) and chicklet teeth too. We were a sight! You are one of my very oldest (not age wise of course:) and dearest friends. I know there's distance but I cannot tell you how much fun it is to watch your kids grow up. How funny it is to be raising our own children now and watching them remind me of us. "Come on mom, just wait a little longer for Debbie. She'll be here." Lucy fights just as patiently (or desperately) for play dates.

So! Happy 30th. Don't worry, it's only a little scary around the actual day. After a month or so, it feels no different than 29 which I will always be. Many hugs your way. Have a wonderful week. I'm glad you came as a Christmas present. It's only right. You're just sorta magical and special. I just wanna wrap you up and stick you under the tree with a bow on your head. Ok, I know, I'm working on my stalker tendencies:) Love you to the moon and back!

Friday, December 12, 2008


It's midnight in New York, technically December 13th. I want to wish my cousin Tricia a happy birthday. This will be the second birthday she's spent in Heaven. I'm sure the celebration is so much more incredible there! But we miss her and so today we reflect on her life and the good she brought to us in her 34 years.

So, Happy Birthday Trish. I love you and miss you. I think of you often and all the good memories. Though I know the what ifs are pointless, I think of all I wanted to say to you that I didn't get the chance to. Somehow, I think you know. May Heaven celebrate you today and the angels rejoice!

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Good Old Fashioned Griswold's Family Chrissmass

Thanksgiving at Pop's

AFter Pop's, we enjoyed a second dinner with our dear friend Laura and her family. Well, Jude enjoyed the second dinner. I couldn't get another bite down!

On Friday we had a "good old fashioned Griswold's Family Chrissmass" and cut down our own tree!

Kat and Lucy looking for the perfect tree.
We found our tree and lugged it to to the car. We named the tree Leif and our Thanksgiving turkey, Lucy named Thyme. She said she felt bad about eating Thyme. I said, he was dead when we got him, it was his Thyme:)
We won't eat the tree, too prickly.