Sunday, December 30, 2007

Poetry Corner....The Great Author

I've always known each moment of my life has been planned/ my story written by God's own hand/ like a best selling novel there's been wonderful humor and healing tears/ times of heartache and anger, dreams and fears/ I love and anticipate reading each new page/ every day a new story unfolds/ and though I don't mean to question the all knowing writer, at times my story seems to bare holes/ There are times I am tired and the words seem to blur/ and times I am positive a happy ending should occur/ I guess it doesn't need to make sense to me/ He's the author, he knows what should be/ And like a great writer when the plot begins to lose my attention and my eyes begin turning away/ He throws in a new twist to assure I abide by his way/ It's then I recall the knowledge that a character is nothing without the one who made her/ that every breath I take should be breathed for my creator/ I may not always understand why he allows the chapters in my life to sometimes cause me pain/ but I know he knows me better than I will ever know myself/ and every hard time I overcome by turning to him/ will everlastingly be for my gain/ So Lord take your pen and write what you must/ good or bad, easy or hard/ your pen gave me life and that life to you I entrust. (C) JL

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Look at the little intricacies that go into the creation of a spider web. But the spider is small and though she sees each silky thread that she lays, it is not until she is finished that she can step back and see the entire picture. We are similar to that spider and often we forget how each small string of thread that we spin (our actions) is the leading (voice) of God, because he can see the finished product. I was reminded just last night of how God takes care of us and guides our every step.

As early as October, I ordered my dad a Celtic Women's DVD because I didn't want to forget to buy it for him. In November I watched an episode of the 700 Club that interviewed a man who wrote a book about a Christian retreat that he opened in nowhere town Alaska. It was awesome and I immediately went online to Barnes and Noble and bought it. From that point on, it was a little thing here and a small item there. All that reminded me of my dad. A personalized Scrabble dictionary so he'll have a shot at beating me....the student has surpassed the master. Smile. A beautiful Bible with a Celtic cross on it that we had engraved with his name. A mug with an apple on it, his nickname for me. We bought him a lot more than we usually do. Normally we buy him one big thing and a couple small. It actually took a while for him to open everything and later he told us he was touched by our generosity.

Last night Danny and I were discussing the day and realized that my dad had done all the shopping for us this year. In all of Barbara's craziness, she didn't buy anything for anyone, including my dad. It was so funny though because I kept commenting to Danny over the past few weeks that we had gotten so much stuff for my dad! Last night, we understood why. He deserved a beautiful Christmas because he is the most generous person we know. He gives so selflessly to others all the time and this past year has been an especially trying year for our family. He really needed the Christmas spirit to come through for him. God knew this and obviously had a plan. I'm glad he knows all the things we don't and guides us in placing each piece of thread until we have finished the masterpiece.

God's in the details.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


mother mary kissing baby jesus

Imagine a time long ago, the promise of a savior inside you to grow. Created to be mother to God's only son. Imagine if you were the chosen one. Imagine how hard it was to trust in God's plan. How blind faith must sometimes be when we don't understand. Imagine having to hold on to faith, when you would rather run, risking life's comfort and dignity for the salvation of everyone. Imagine how Mary must have felt like an ordinary girl, not good enough to bring the King of Kings into this word. Imagine how God came to her and said, "you know my will is best." And how she stood before him and said, "Lord my answer's yes."

Think of the purpose every child's life holds and the prayers attached to each one. Think if your child's purpose was to die. If the world's redemption lay in the sacrifice of your son. Think of a father's sorrow and joy, felt at his only son's birth. Think how God gave with each one of us in mind and the price he thought we were worth.

Never forget the way Mary obeyed or the first present given on Christmas Day. Remember every day of the year, to share with others why we are here. Remember we all have heartache and troubles but quitting just seems such a waste. We should spend our times helping others, as God helps us, we should be sharing His grace.

Most important of all remember this, always let God's light shine through your eyes, for I'd hate hate to think that you turned your back on an angel in disguise. (C) J.L.

Merry Christmas everyone. We hope your day is magical and filled with loved one's. And may we all remember how awesome Jesus is to share his birthday with us and how he truly is the reason for the season. Everything else just pales in comparison. Kisses to all!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Mizz. Lizz


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Diselyland pix & others

Us with our CBN friend Cindi and Thanksgiving at Diselyland. Lu in front of one of our trees. We get two every year. One fake (so I can put it up early because I'm a five year old with no patience) and the real one closer to Christmas so it doesn't die.
Also, just a reminder to anyone interested in giving a donation to the Children's hospital, we need it by the 18th. Thank you and God bless.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Joyously Perfect

Tonight was a joyously perfect night. How I wish we could capture nights like this and live them over and over. We watched Little Women, a favorite of mine, while snacking on gingerbread cookies (thank you Kami) by a lovely and roaring fire. Then, we lit our advent candles and read a book from our little count down calender. I love being inspired by stories. Especially one's from different era's and those that have helped me build on my dreams since I was a little girl. I was a writer before I learned of Jo March but her character helped my passions seem more beautiful in my eyes. And I learned that it was ok that the average life made me restless. When I really longed to be more "normal" or content, I remembered that line from Little Women, "you have extraordinary talents, how can you expect to live an ordinary life?" That's not to say I am so spectacular, only that who I am as a person and the gifts God has blessed me with, have more often than not, placed me a little more on the eccentric side of life. I guess my point is that many of my favorite characters are right there with me, marching to that funky beat!

I'm very grateful for this beautiful and joyfully perfect Christmas night and all of the memorable characters that have touched my life in one way or another. Guess what? That includes you!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Juggling for Dummies

Sorry it's been a while. I have been so overloaded latley! Besides Lu's school, I've been at the office (Danny and I finally got an office in town about 4 months ago) everyday. My friend/sister Jamie has been working for Danny and the plasma business and now she and I are starting our own online store. We wanted it up by the beginning of December however, I'm pretty sure we're going to miss the Christmas rush....big pout. I'm also suppose to start back up with school at the end of January but I'm not sure if I'm taking on too much.

One thing that was stressing me out more than anything was in finding an unstressful way to honor my cousin Tricia this Christmas. For those that didn't read my first blog back in April, Tricia passed away in her sleep very suddenly at the age of 34. You can read more about it below.

Another thing Danny and I have been discussing, of course I'm posting this on a blog but still asking that all keep this hushed for now and pray that we make the right decsion, is adopting a child next year. We found a wonderful place that can place a baby in a home as soon as two months.....yikes! It seems there are so many oppurtunities presenting that I'm not sure which ones to pursue! I'd like to do them all but this means we as a family really have to be a well oiled machine and work together. Danny has been working hard on multitasking but as every woman knows, we could always use just a little more help.

If anyone wants to know what to get me for Christmas, I'd like the ability to wiggle my nose and clean my home, or to be in five places at one time. Ooh ooh or to have multiple arms. Wait no, that last one is creepy. Thank you very much. Smoochie Woochie