Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Pop

Alfonso Mauro, known more affectionately as Pop, passed away at 1:30 AM, July 11, 2009. He was 97 years old.


TheFitnessFreak said...

{{{{HUGS}}}} So sorry to hear that Jess. Lots of prayers and love for you, Danny and Lucy. Let me know if you're having a service for him.

Farrah said...

We'll be having a memorial service at the Alpine Willows Baptist church on Thursday at 1:00. A reception will also take place after, across the street in our old park at the clubhouse. He's being buried in New York so it will be more a celebration than a funeral. We wanted to honor his life here.

Mama V said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. Praying for you.

Farrah said...

Thanks Mama V:)

Farrah said...

We're working on a website for Pop. Please visit and feel free to post any comments or stories. or

Lizzie M. said...

So sad to hear, but joyful he is with his Savior with no suffering! We will be praying for you guys, wish we could be there on Thursday.

Farrah said...

Thanks Liz