Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fourth of July

Again, the pix are out of order.

Lu with a view:)

Lu fishing (without a hook but with some cheese...they didn't like the salami)

Lu and Uncle Jono
Daddy and Lu.

The boys.

There I am with my bug eyes.

Jono gets silly.
Jude, below deck.


Lizzie M. said...

You look like a celebrity trying to hide :-)!!!

Farrah said...

Don't you know? I'm a fabulously famous author:)

TheFitnessFreak said...

Is that Jude's brother. If not they look like it! Looks like you had an eventful day:)

Farrah said...

No, that's his/ our best friend from high school. He's more family to us than a lot of our family. He's an awesome guy!

Lizzie M. said...

Ok famous author, remember, I've been friends with you since the drinking fountain in third grade :-)!