Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I BESTOW ON YOU...poetry corner

Written for Miss Lucy when she was a new wee one....

May you grow to be beautiful-may you grow to be giving-may you grow to be wise-and thank God each day you're living-May you always look to Heaven-may every day be a fresh start-may the angels surround you-may Jesus live in your heart-May the last few pennies in your pocket-go to someone with no place to call home-May you offer friendship on a day when you feel friendless-to someone all alone-May God give you self confidence-may He also make you meek-may you hunger for understanding-may God answer when you seek-May you desire to know Jesus-until you see His face-may He bless you with honesty-may He bless you with grace-May people come to you, when they need shelter from life's storms-may you understand God's plans for you-how He knew you before you were even born-May you be a light bringer to a world that's so dark-may you be a ruler to the lost ones-bringing joy to each journey on which you embark-May you know you can come home, when you need to be embraced with open arms-may you turn to the Father, to light your way-and give you discernment to keep you from harm-Most of all, dear little one-don't lose hope when you make mistakes-Just pick yourself up-forgive and move on-don't quit, but remember the stakes-Eyes must see Jesus-hearts must accept-God gave you life-He knew you'd be the best-a soldier for Him-a missionary-God saw a heart of gold-an asset to His army-If you ever doubt you're good enough-to be God's child, little one-Remember God had you in mind-when He sacrificed his son.
(c) J.L. 2008