Saturday, November 10, 2007

Pop Rocks!

We spent a decent portion of yesterday at Kaiser because Pop had to be taken by ambulance due to dehydration. That being said, the man is doing quite well for 95 years old. He is frail and bedridden but there is this part of him that is always my beloved Pop. I miss him. That is, the part of him that is gone now because of age, but he will never stop being one of my very best friends. My prayer when I was younger was that he would live long enough to know my children and that they would know him. He and Lucy are kindred spirits. It's cool how God cares about the smallest prayer of a Jr. High girl.
The three of us have enjoyed helping to care for him. No one is more worthy and we feel it is our honor. He's back home now which is good. Walking into my parents house (to make some homemade chicken soup for him before he returned) and finding his room empty felt wrong. It was quiet and lonely, a feeling I suppose at some point in the future, most likely more near than far, I will have to adjust to. In all honesty I can't see myself going there too often once he's gone. It's not the same home I grew up in. It feels cold and sad. Many things have changed.

I started back up with my counselor today. She helped me when I was in the thick of my eating disorder. I am happy to report that God had delivered me from it almost entirely. There are triggers and I watch for them. I'm only going to go every other week and really started just to have someone to talk to. I don't mind being there for others, I'm good at it! But often I let my own troubles weigh me down until I snap...for just a moment. I figured, in order to avoid stressing and falling back into bad patterns of depression and eating issues, it would be good for me to talk to Dr. Hood. In fact, I offered to help with her summer camp for teen girls with eating disorders. She thought it was a good idea! God brings something good out of everything bad. And all in all, it has turned into a week of blessings. I have a "friend" to talk to, people to help and my wonderful, fabulous Pop!

All is right in my world.


Lizzie M. said...

Go Pop! I have always loved him!

Jude said...

Pop does rock. If I live to be 95 and I only know half of what he does I'd be happy. He's a great man.