Lu had her performance tonight and let me just say she was the best darn mouseketeer ever! I'm not just being her mom either. I wrote before that I put her in CYT to bring her out of her shell (outside of her comfort zone) a bit. It worked big time! I told her that if she overcame her fear (with a little help from Jesus) and was brave enough to get on that stage and say her lines and sing her solo, she'd fall in love with it. It is, after all, in her blood. Danny and I both grew up performing in theater and we were bitten immediately.
So, we're sitting in the pew at the church and the first group is doing their thing and my stomach is fluttering and I'm praying, "Lord, please help her do it....please". Her group starts to make their way up there and I'm nauseous and dizzy! They all say their names into the microphone Mickey Mouse Club style. I hear a big, loud and wonderfully clear voice, "Lucy!" The nausea goes away. Her first line is up, "With Mickey and Minnie and Donald and Goofy." She nails it! The dizziness is gone. Singing solo approaching...perfect and into that microphone like an old pro. And finally, my stomach has stopped fluttering, her last line comes and she says confidently, "And don't forget afterwards we can sign autographs." The audience laughs at my daughters cuteness and I'm feeling pretty good.
After, she whispers, "you were right mommy, I loved it!" We ask her later what her favorite part was. "The microphone." She answers. My goodness we've created a diva! The acting bug has bitten, I knew it would. Now that she has this new found confidence and excitement, she is ready to take on the world.
I just pray my stomach can handle it.
Way to go Lucy!
Glad to see she has her mother and father's talent!
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