Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Complete and Utter Total Rant...so unlike me..hee hee

I don't have too much to share today. Next Monday Lucy will perform in her first play with CYT. She's been taking a class for the past two months and has a couple of lines and one singing solo in the Mickey Mouse Club themed showcase. I pray so very much that she does not freak out when she sees the audience. She is so theatrical when she's in a comfortable setting but can be shy when she's around strangers. Of course, I'm not really complaining about that but still.

I got on a kick talking about vegetables earlier and thought it funny that last night I had made myself carrots and broccoli and Lucy came out of her room and saw my plate and cried, "no fair!" She wanted carrots too. So I dished out a bunch for her on a plate and when I went to get her bed set up for sleep later that night, there was the plate, empty. I laughed and told Danny how funny it was that our child wanted carrots so badly. I guess this is my doing because I love veggies! Fruit upsets my stomach when I eat too much and I've never really been ridiculously fond of it anyway. I mean, I'll eat what I need to and I don't hate it but it is not the same love affair I have with veggies. Lucy and I are big fans especially of carrots, cooked or not, asparagus with a little I Can't Believe it's Not Butter, spray and a sprinkle of garlic salt and broccoli, seasoned the same way. I often throw in a bit of Thyme as well. I also love artichokes, cooked whole or the hearts. Lucy likes them cooked whole and dipped in vinegar. She love vinegar now...oops! What have I done?

Another favorite is the Salmon my dad catches in Alaska every year. He usually catches enough for the entire year. A family favorite is boiled Salmon, fresh asparagus and a few baby red potatoes. I could eat that every night for the rest of my life and be happy. I usually throw light herbs onto the Salmon because it doesn't need much and some capers. Those only go on mine though because they are not a favorite amongst my other family members. Garlic usually finds its way into the majority of my recipes because it rocks! I hope this food rant is not making Liz more nauseous. I don't know why I started ranting to begin with.

So, there is something incredibly cool happening in our little world tonight and I will leave it as a surprise and tell all about it tomorrow. And now, I will spend some time attempting to talk myself into cleaning. I will clean my house...I will clean my house....I will not clean my house...wait, how did that not get in there?

1 comment:

Lizzie M. said...

Ok, you have to try Earth Balance buttery spread (NOT Smart Balance). I know out there they sell it at Vons (aside from Trader Joes and Whole Foods) It is 100% vegan and delicious!!!